Not a Greek dish, but certainly one that appeals to the Greek palette. This provencal ratatouille is a perfect dish to prepare in the cool hours of the morning, before the heat of the day…

Not a Greek dish, but certainly one that appeals to the Greek palette. This provencal ratatouille is a perfect dish to prepare in the cool hours of the morning, before the heat of the day…
One bite of these tender polpette always has me dreaming of the stunning Greek island of Zakynthos. Traditionally, these polpette use a little ladotiri (the famous olive oil cheese of Zakytnhos) in the mix for…
Remembering holidays in Crete, I was inspired to make some ‘kalitsounia’. Kalitsounia are small pies, usually fried in extra virgin olive oil, which are a regional specialty of Crete. Commonly, the dough for the pies…
A regional Greek dish from Crete, this is a lovely light pie as the days get closer to spring. For this recipe, I use the dough base for my spanakopita (see my recipe archives) and…
There are few dishes that can evoke so many childhood memories like ‘rolo kima’ (or Greek meatloaf with eggs). An old school, homemade dish which demands to be mixed by hand (put your stand mixer away)…
In our first year married, my husband Kosta bought me a large terracotta clay pot from Greece, perfect for cooking lamb. A decade later and I have got the technique for slow cooked lamb that…
Trahana is an ancient ingredient, still used in Greece and by the Greek diaspora today. Trahana is made of cracked wheat and looks a little bit like a rustic couscous. When sour sheep milk is added…
The perfect aperitif for a Friday evening, this simple savoury bread known as a ‘cake salé’ is a French classic and for good reason, it’s simple to make and deliciously moreish.